Love Letters from the Universe


Love Letters from the Universe


Dear Sisters and Brothers of planet Earth,
We are very pleased by the progress we are seeing throughout the Planet right now. We wish to encourage you to keep up the good work. You are taking even Yourselves by surprise with the amount of growth that is now taking place.

It may not feel like progress at times, but we can assure you that progress is indeed happening. Sometimes during a deep healing, things can look and feel worse than they actually are. This is the situation you are in right now and will continue for some time to come.

If you know this, you can celebrate the hardest moments of what is to come, in this new year you are preparing to enter. The next few months will be full of revelations that are paradigm shattering.

What you do with this new data is entirely up to you. The best you can do for yourself is take a step back and a slow, deep breath and relax into the data for a moment or two, so that you may choose a response that serves you well.

You are creating your next experience right now; it serves you well to remember this and respond accordingly. Create Now, with every breathe, your new paradigm Consciously. You cannot change what you do not acknowledge. This data is merely information about the world you have created that you have heretofore been unaware of. Now that you are aware of what is, you have the power to change it.

This new year before you will be what you make of it. Before you, are a clean slate and the opportunity to create something totally different. That of course will depend upon your ability to do something totally different. This something we speak of, is trusting yourself 100% and being willing to go where you have not allowed yourself to go until now.

It is time to listen to your Heart and follow where it leads you now. Your Heart knows the way home and only needs you to trust it enough to go where it leads you. Your Heart came to Earth with one desire, to Be and Share the Love that you are.

When your Heart-Light has your full attention, you can follow it all the way Home! To be bold and brave enough to let your Heart-Light, light your path forward and to be willing to go where it desires, will make the changes you desire in the world around you. For it was your focus and attention on what you don’t Love, that which you fear, has created your world until now. Shifting your focus now, to what you would Love to see in your world and Be that, will create Heaven on Earth.

You see, Divine Creator Being, Love is your true North and must be followed, if Heaven on Earth is what you wish to experience. It can be no other way, you have tried that for a millennium, you know all too well the power of fear; now try Love, and prove to yourself the Power of Love.

When we look at you, we See the Love that you are, can you See Love and Be Love? Of course, you can, if only you choose to.

Choose Love.

We love you.

Your Loving Galactic Brothers and Sisters, of the Family of One

Love Letters from the Universe



Dear Brothers and Sisters of planet Earth,

We come to you today to share our excitement and gratitude for all your hard work and dedication to getting to know yourself from the inside out. We can see huge numbers of you going within and discovering All that you are.

The more you go within the greater the change without. Only when you have faced and embraced yourself just as you are, can you change your external circumstances. It is not your circumstances that create your experience, it is your experiences that create your circumstances.

The more you face and embrace your inner emotional state the more control you have over your external circumstances. You have had the power all along to make great changes. Yet until you acknowledge this reality you are powerless to change your circumstance. To acknowledge this reality, is to face and embrace your power.

You are the solution to every perceived problem. If you wish to solve “problems”, become the solution. The solutions are within you. If you feel powerless, then take your power back. The power to act is yours and the time to do so is Now.

There is only the Eternal moment of Now, the power to act is yours, seize the moment, and exercise your power Now. Now is the time to get excited about your life and live it to the fullest expression of you. That is your Sole/Soul purpose to be here Now.

Being your authentic full expression of yourself, is why you came to Earth. You came to Earth be the embodiment of the Divine expressing the totality of itself on Earth. You are the Divine expression of Love. Hold nothing back, for you have been called forth by the Divine for this Sole/Soul purpose; to Be the Divine Expression of Love.

We thank you for Being You and sharing the beauty of you, for the benefit of All. We love you; we appreciate you; we value you; we are you.

Your Loving Galactic Sisters and Brothers, of the Family of One

Love Letters from the Universe



Dear Sisters and Brothers of planet Earth,

We come to you with great excitement to share a message of this magnitude. We have waited a very long time, for the opportunity we have this day. Today we celebrate your bravery to get this far. We know the path has not been an easy one, however, it has been a successful one.

You have created the opportunity before you now, by choosing Love, and acting in Love for yourself and each other. The human race is coming together in ways, until now, that seemed impossible. It is you, Loved One, that has made the seemingly impossible, possible.

In Love, all things are possible. You have chosen the path that Love makes. Love has opened the doors that were previously locked and has paved the way forward for your advancement into the Era of Peace that you desire. Humanity is now coming together in Peace, Harmony, Cooperation and Love in unprecedented numbers.

Do not underestimate the power of your participation in and your personal service of creating Peace, Harmony, and Love within yourself. You have created the conditions required, to create Heaven on Earth, within yourself thus commanding the external experience of the very same without.

You are the creators of your reality. Your reality must now change in response to your changes within. You have now collectively reached a pivot point that is tipping the scales in favor of Love and Cooperation. The majority of Humanity has chosen Love and are embracing Love, thus creating with Love and as Love.

This choice you have made, has ramifications that are unfolding now. The world that was built upon and fed by fear is dissolving now. In its place a world built upon and fed by Love is quickly taking its place. Take comfort, in these moments of the dissolution of the fear-built reality, that Love has already created the path forward.

Trust the Love within your Heart to show you the way through the cleanup process of the remnants of the old and the building, or more accurately, the revealing of the new foundation of Love and Wellbeing, you have chosen to experience now.

We celebrate you for making such a radical change within. We celebrate with you all new experiences that are making themselves evident more and more every day.

InJoy the ride.

In Love and Respect,

Your Galactic Brother and Sisters of the family of One

Love Letters from the Universe



Dear Sisters and Brothers of planet Earth,

We come to you today with great news we wish to share. The cosmic waves that are bathing Earth right now are having the most profound effect on you and All.

We are very excited to report what we are observing right now. The tides are shifting, and great changes are becoming quite evident. The very foundation of your physical reality has turned to sand. This sand is shifting, causing the foundations of everything built upon it to crumble.

These cracks can no longer be hidden, they are growing every day. Soon they will be gaping holes that are letting in even more Cosmic Light to illuminate the situation at hand, which is the undoing of all systems that purport to serve humanities’ wellbeing but in fact serve only to dominate and control humanity.

It is time now to see what you have been surrendering your energy and sovereignty to. For oh so long, you have bowed down to the systems of control, and you have forgotten the power they wield is your own.

The great numbers of you who have begun to take back your power and are taking responsibility for your energy are now causing the collapse you are bearing witness to right now. As your numbers grow and more of you Empower Yourselves, the gaps grow, until the systems themselves topple.

The more you take your power back the more power you wield. As the Empowered Ones begin to Come Together in cooperation, your influence grows and your strength in numbers has a great impact on those not yet empowered; as they now can see what self-empowerment can do, and they will begin to join you and add to the collective power to Command Great Change.

From this state, you decide what happens next. You are the Sole/Soul creators of your reality. You choose what and how you will experience the changes that are taking place on Earth right now. The power is in your hands now, and always, in all ways.

Come together in harmony and cooperation and you will create harmony and cooperation at every level and All will experience harmony and cooperation, as your next systems of support. Now is the time to Choose Love at every opportunity, and Love will be your guiding Light.

Love is where you come from and return to. Now is the time to return to Love as your Sole/Soul way to be and do. We are sending our Love/Light to your world, in harmony and cooperation with much repect.

We Love you,

Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters of the family of One

Introducing my New Home on the Internet


I am writing today to introduce my new webpage, I have a new way for you to follow me and hear more about what I’m up to these days.

My beautiful friends Sheila Corona and Krystle Hemphill and I are working together to bring you KnewLightStreaming.Love
We are very excited to have a place where you can come and see what Knew Light insights are Streaming Love into us and our beautiful Planet right now.

Join us and add your Knew Light Streaming Love to ours, for some exponential growth for us All. We will share our insights, observations, and experiences with you. We also invite you to share yours with us.

Come and visit our sight/site and add your visions into the mix and help us, Journey Intuit and Beyond, sharing some beautiful Rush Solutions ~ Tools for Transformation along the way, as we build Conscious Conversations Central community.

We are creating a safe and Loving space for sharing our insights as well as our experiences with each other for the benefit of All. If this sounds good to you please click any of the links in this blog to check us out.

We are excited to build Loving community tougher with you. We All have a piece of the puzzle and we get the Whole Picture when we come together in One Love!

I Love you with All my Hearts 💕


Love Letters from the Universe


Dear Brothers and Sisters of planet Earth,

We come to you today with Love and appreciation for You! Thank you for choosing Love. We can clearly see that the majority of Humanity has and is choosing Love. This Love is now setting you free to Be Love, Create with Love and Change Everything on planet Earth and All That Is.

You are seen, Loved, and supported by the Universe for the very strong source of Love that you are. Thank you for standing up and standing in the pure Love that you are.

Thank you for choosing to embrace Love, see Love, and be Love right now. The act of Loving, merges you into the Eternal Moment of Now; The Organic Template of the Eternal Spiral of Evolution and Expansion.

If you are reading these words right now, we are talking to you! We thank you for not being afraid of the Love that you are. When you stand strongly centered in Love; you Be Love, you See Love, you Create Love, you Be Eternal Life!

We see you. We Love you. We are you; we are Love. We meet you within the Eternal Love and dance Eternal Life as One.

Your Loving Galactic Sisters and Brothers of the Family of One.

Love Letters from the Universe


Dear Sisters and Brothers of planet Earth,

It is with great excitement we wish to share our Love and encouragement with you today.  There are a great many things happening now that will bring great many changes upon your Planet.  You have been experiencing these changes steadily for many years now. 

Things are about to speed up.  The pace with which you have been moving is about to pickup speed now through the end of the year of 2023.  This is necessary to prepare you for what is to come in 2024.  We share this information with you today, to offer our Love and to support you through what could be called a difficult spot.  The wisdom we wish to offer you here is, you are all that you need to get through any and all difficult spots. 

You have been preparing for this difficult spot for lifetimes.  You are now ready to deal with this difficulty, for you have called forth the opportunity for advancement that is before you now.  You have made this monumental growth and expansion happen.  It is You, Loved One, that has made this possible.  This momentous opportunity before you is the return of the Love/Light to your beloved Planet and all her inhabitants. 

This Love/Light is showing you all you need to See to return Balance to your body and life on planet Earth.  This, beautiful family, is no small feat, but rather a giant step forward onto the Organic, Eternal Spiral of Evolution.  One you have been waiting for, for a very long time.

As this month proceeds, it will become very important to; Stop, Look and Listen.  Let us explain what we mean by this.  As things progress, it may well look as if things have never been worse for humanity.  However, it is truly the opposite, as things are now moving towards positive focused expansion and evolution on Earth.  When you are feeling overwhelmed by the state of affairs, we encourage you to, Stop looking outside yourself for the answers you seek, the truth you desire, and to Look Within yourself and Listen to your own guidance as to how best to respond to what you See. 

This is the Soul purpose for being here now, the time has come to return Balance to your Planet and your lives.  For so many go-arounds on Earth, there has been only a flipping of the polarity focus, without Balance.  Which has caused the demise of humanity on more than one occasion.  Balance is needed to sustain Life.  The way Home is to embrace Balance.  Love is the great re-balancer.  To embrace and Love all, is the key to Balance.  Love is Balance, Love creates Balance.  To separate yourself from Love you separate yourself from Balance. 

We know the times ahead will be very confusing if you are not securely nestled within Love.  Love is like water, it is always seeking and finding Balance.  The Flow of Love is inside you, it is You!  You/Love has or is the Solution you seek now.  Find the Love within you and you have engaged the Flow.  The Flow, is the Balance needed now, Be the Flow, Be the Balance, Know you are Love and Balance.

Now is the time to Surrender your Fears and Doubts; Now is the time to Be the Love that you are.  There is nothing going on here, on planet Earth that is not under your control.  Control your doubts, fears, emotions/emanations, and you control your life experience.  You are the only thing that you have any control over, it is time now to take Control of Yourself, so that you can Create the Love/Balance you desire to experience. 

Everything is about to change greatly, as you have changed greatly.  Keep going, keep moving toward the Love and Balance Within you, and you will See Love and Balance return to your world.  To know Balance within is to create Balance.  Be Balance, Be Love. When you See Balance, and you See Love, you Create Balance, and Balance Returns to planet Earth.  That is the true act of Love for You and Earth.  Let us Now all Act with Love, and return Balance to Earth and All That Is.  To do so will create the solutions you desire.

We Love you; we respect you; we honor you; we thank you for choosing Love.

Your Loving Brothers and Sisters of the family of One

Love Letters from the Universe


Dear Sisters and Brothers of planet Earth,

We are very excited to share Love and encouragement with you through this conduit. We have the utmost Love and respect for you, our Galactic brothers, and sisters. As your loving family we rejoice when you rejoice and we mourn when you mourn, and we know that at the same time All is well and is as it should be even while mourning.

The physical material realm is a place where these experiences can take place. We celebrate all experiences, for we know that is the whole point of the game of physicality. No matter what the experience is, there is much to learn from it. The integration of the lessons learned through the experiences serves All That Is, as well as the individual and the collective experiencers expansion and growth, and that is the reason for this realm in its entirety.

Please know that you are seen and felt by All That Is as well as Loved and honored for your willingness to come into the physical arena and play the game of expansion through physical experience for it is your service that propels the eternal moment of nows expansion. Without this constant expansion All That Is would cease to exist.

Today we celebrate your bravery and endurance, and we stand with you and Love you All! We look forward to celebrating with you the breakthroughs that are happening all over your beautiful Planet right now, that is leading you Home, back to the warm and Loving embrace of your Galactic family.

You are Love and you are Loved beyond measure. You are now re-membering the One Love you come from!

Your Loving,
Family of One


Self- Mastery Workshop # 6

For those who are interested in the workshop series for this go around, part 6 is scheduled for 9/21/23 at 1:00-3:00pm Eastern time.

I will drop the link here at 12:30 pm and open the room.   If you have interest but it’s not the right time for you, I will be going through the series again, as long as there is interest, I’ll do the workshops. 

It is great practice for me!  I look forward to seeing you there.  

Thank you for your  consideration.

Much Love,